Savory cookies with feta cheese and sun dried tomatoes

I wanted to prepare salty, yummy cookies for a long time now. I didn’t have exact recipe, so I improvised. The results were satisfying, but this recipe will definitely need some improvement. I will let you know how my next recipe goes. For now, I will just share this one :) and if you like such kind of cookies I suggest you try it… and if you want you can always improvise and play with the ingredients.

1 cup chickpea flour
1 cup buckwheat flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
100 grams small rolled oats (minced in a food processor, nuts attachment)
150 ml milk
4 stable spoons Parmesan cheese
4 eggs
250 grams cold butter (cut into pieces)
1 table spoons fresh Rosemary (minced)
1 table spoon thyme (minced) – optional
200 grams white cheese (feta, Queso Fresco, ricotta, haloumi, goat cheese)
Black olives (Optional)
10-12 sun-dried tomatoes (cut into small pieces)
Salt & Pepper


Sometimes for the preparation of doughs I use my food processor, cause it’s easy, faster and mostly because I am impatient to see the result of my recipe.
You can easily use your hands or mixer for the purposes of this recipe.
First thing is to mix the oats with milk. Oats are very moist absorbing and if you don’t mix them with some kind of liquid, your dough will stay dry and crumbly.
Combine the flours, Parmesan cheese, butter, rosemary, salt, pepper. Pulse a couple of times in your food processor (or knead with your hand, but make sure you do not over knead the dough). After the butter and flours are well combined, which means that the mixture seems like crumbs, add the egg and mix well, but not over-mix.
Transfer the dough on a kneading board or your kitchen counter and  now you have two options.


You can separate the dough into two major balls.
The first one you can make with sun-dried tomatoes and feta cheese, and the other one with olives, thyme and feta.
You can add whatever you prefer to the dough – olives, different types of cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, nuts or other.
Once you’ve added the desired taste to the dough, wrap it tightly using plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place in the fridge for 30-40 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 200 C (400 F).

Take the first ball of dough out of the fridge . Shape small balls using you hands. Place them on a baking sheet, lined with baking paper. Press gently each ball until slightly flatten.
Bake the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, until lightly golden brown. Let them cool on the rack and serve with cherry tomatoes salad or greens.

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5 thoughts on “Savory cookies with feta cheese and sun dried tomatoes

  1. Hi, Vesi! Your blog looks fantastic. I’ve been meaning to try some of your recipes for a long time…and finally tonight I’m going to give it a shot with these cookies. Love all the ingredients!!
    I was just wondering how many cookies (more or less) this recipe makes. Could you give me an indication?

  2. Great foodblog! How did you get into blogging and get your blog publicised? i’ve just started up a blog (would love if you popped over and had a look) and I have no idea where to start- do you have any advice?

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