Hello and welcome to my website – Vessy’s day!
My name is Vessy – I love to cook, to travel, to smile, to take pictures, to surprise my friends and family with delicious treats and share my happy moments here on Vessy’s Day.
Quite some time passed before I finally decided on creating my own blog, and I was not even sure if I am going to keep writing and posting. Then the blog turned into website… and then I managed to translate it all in Bulgarian… I can’t say it is easy to maintain and keep such kind of website… it actually takes a lot of time, but it is totally worth it. If I sometimes get too quiet, just check out some of my older posts… maybe you will find something long forgotten, but interesting there…
I am not a professional chef, food photographer, nor have ever went to a culinary school. Even if I try to improvise and create my own recipes, there are some recipes that are just perfect and there is nothing to be improved. In those cases I always reference the sources I use. However, all photos I publish are my passion and are all taken by me.
I hope each of you finds something interesting, useful and inspiring in my posts. I will enjoy if you share your thoughts and comments with me!
P.S. English is not my native language, so please excuse me if my spelling or grammar are wrong
Thank you once again for stopping by.
For any comments or questions, do not hesitate to email me on veselina.zheleva@gmail.com!
Hi Vessy! Very nice blog and wonderful pictures of food you have! It makes me feel I want to print the food!
Plus I see we have similar interests… I have recently started blogging and learning about food photography, so I will definately follow your blog to get inspired and learn more about food photography and discover some new recipes
Hello Michaela! Thank you for the nice words! You have big like on every social media from me! I will follow your posts with pleasure! If you ever need any info on food blogging just text me, I will be happy to help with what I can!
Здравеи Веси! My name is also Vessy! I randomly stumbled upon your website and I just wanted to say that I absolutely love what you do. Your photographs are stunning and all of the food you make looks so beautiful – it is a work of art in itself. Although I’m still in school, I am an artist myself and I really admire your talents! I’m going to tell all my friends to check out your amazing work.
Здравей Веси! Благодаря ти за прекрасните думи!
Радвам се, че нещата, които правя ти харесват и благодаря, че ще споделиш сред приятели!
Разгледах малка част от твоя сайт, страхотни неща имаш, жалко че нямаш фейсбук страничка да и дам един голям лайк!
Отбивай се, когато пожелаеш и разбира се можеш да ми пишеш винаги, когато имаш питанки по рецептите ми!