The perfect Au Gratin!

I am one of those people, who like to cook and eat good food. I very rarely put myself through diets or special regimes, but still, I am a woman and it happens to me sometimes.
I could give up all kinds of food while I am on a diet, but one thing I can never give up, not even for a month, is potatoes – sweet, holly potatoes!
I love them fried, baked, sautéed, with garlic, without garlic, fresh or blanched.
Today’s recipe is one of my favorite for potatoes and most importantly it is taken right from the kitchen of a great chef. Well, I do not know the recipe exactly, so I improvised, but it turned out just as good as I had it before.
There is of course a secret trick and will be happy share it with you later in this post.
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Ingredients for 24 sm. (9,5 inch)round baking dish:
1 kg. potatoes, peeled and sliced 1 mm thick (very thin)
400 ml. heavy cream
1-2 tea spoons nutmeg
2 table spoons olive oil to grease the baking dish
Salt and Pepper

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Prepare your baking dish – grease it with olive oil or spray with a non-stick baking spray.

Cut the potatoes very thin – the thinnest possible you can. I used my food processor (I love these moments when you realize you really need this little helper) The secret about this gratin is that the potatoes should be thinly sliced (as almost transparent) and slowly cooked in the cream.

Potatoe gratin-2

Au gratin

Add the cream in a small bowl. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Arrange the potato slices in the baking dish, layer by layer as you pour a little of the cream after every layer.

Au gratin (1 of 1)

The potatoes should be covered in half or 3/4 (not all the way).

Bake about 45-60 minutes (180 C/350 F) – depending on your oven.

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Once in a while you may gently swirl & break up crust on sides & center to moisten all the top potatoes.

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Serve with bacon, or meat/fish of your choice.


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