Plazma Shake – dessert in a glass

Plazma Shake

4-5 plazma biscuits (or other favourite biscuits like biscotti or lady fingers)
7 table spoon plazma biscuit crumbs
100 ml. cold milk
2 scoops of ice-cream
1 table spoon chocolate chips
1 table spoon chocolate syrup or caramel syrup (melted chocolate)
whipped cream
shredded chocolate for garnish (optional)

Mix half of the biscuits crumbs with the milk and set aside.
Grab a cocktail or dessert glass. Place the rest of the biscuits crumbs on the bottom of the glass. Pour the chocolate syrup over the sides of the glass. Add the milk, ice-cream, chocolate chips, the plazma biscuits (crushed into small pieces). Top with the whipped cream and shredded chocolate. Serve immediately.
If you want to read more about the plazma shake, and where it came from click here.

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4 thoughts on “Plazma Shake – dessert in a glass

  1. Wow i love it thanks for the tips, i made it with my mum but that was a long time ago and I forgot how to make it so i looked at your site. The plazma idea was because a few weeks ago i went to Serbia and while I was there i ordered a plazma milkshake and it was amazing so now I am making my very own plazma milkshake…thanks

  2. Pingback: Belgrade – it is all about the food, “kafanas”, sport and Plazma shake | Vessy's day

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