Brownie nutella bars

These double chocolate bars are simply amazing. I can explain them in one sentence – moist brownie base, topped with chocolate and nutella frosting. Or in other words…chocolate + chocolate + nutella + chocolate :) .
Brownie base takes 30 minutes to prepare, including baking time and frosting could be made in the meantime, so basically, this chocolate goodness could be ready in no time.
I made this dessert at least 10 times last month around the holidays. This recipe is definitely in my top ten of easy, quick and festive desserts and it´s perfect for the times when you want to bake something delicious for a special event, family or friends but have pretty much no time to do that. That´s when this recipe comes in handy.
And if I could explain all the ¨mmmm-s” and happy faces from the people who tasted it.
Since this is the first recipe I am sharing this year, I would like to use the opportunity to wish you guys Happy New Year. May 2017 is full of joy, happiness and adventures!
I am thankful for and to each and every one of you, your lovely comments and trust in me.
I wish for more time for the blog, more time to spend with my family, to cook, photograph and travel.
Happy New Year!
Nutella Brownie

Nutella Brownie Nutella Brownie Nutella Brownie
Ingredients for the brownies:
60 grams (4 oz) dark chocolate
110 grams butter
1/2 table spoon vanilla extract
2 table spoons bourbon
160 grams brown sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
90 grams all-purpose flour
50 grams cocoa powder
20 grams ground almonds
For the frosting:
200 grams dark eating chocolate
50 grams butter
350 grams nutella

Preheat your oven to 180C and grease a small baking pan (20x20cm/8x8inch).
In a large bowl melt butter and chocolate in a microwave oven or over a water bath. Add vanilla extract, bourbon and sugar and stir to combine. Add eggs and whisk to combine, using a fork or a whisk. Add cocoa powder and ground almonds and stir to combine. Add flour and gently stir with a rubber spatula. Pour mixture into the greased pan and bake for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and set at room temperature to cool off a bit.
In the meantime prepare the frosting:
In a small bowl melt chocolate and butter. Add nutella and stir to combine.
Pour the frosting over the brownie and even the top out.
Put in the fridge for 1 hour.
Before serving remove from the fridge and bring to room temperature.

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