Chocolate bon-bons

Have you ever wondered how to make perfectly shaped bon-bons at home? Easy – using silicone chocolate molds. This is my latest discovery in the kitchen and I am so excited, that I want to make all kinds of bon-bons. It is actually very easy candy to make, all you need is good quality chocolate and molds in different shapes. Today I will share a recipe for chocolate bon-bons filled with orange-chocolate ganache – absolutely delicious and amazing chocolate treats!
I used piping bag for filling the molds, which turned to be super easy and clean way to work.
Additionally, I prepared one of my favorite candy with biscuits, baileys and chocolate.
Here is the recipe and my tips and tricks to make your chocolate day easier!
Chocolate bonbons (1 of 1)-3

Chocolate orange ganache

100 grams chocolate
1 tea spoon orange liquor
Juice from 1/2 orange
Chocolate bon-bons:
You will need fine, real chocolate (I used about 1 kg. for 130 bon-bons) – melted in a double broiler
Silicone molds for bon-bons
Chocolate bonbons (1 of 1)-2 Chocolate bonbons (1 of 1)

For the chocolate-orange ganache:
Melt the chocolate and set aside.
Add the orange juice in a small saucepan and cook on medium heat, until it gets hot and starts to thickens.
Pour the orange juice over the chocolate, add the orange liquor and mix well.
I used only orange juice, but you may add the zest of half orange. Just make sure to strain the juice and zest before you add it to the chocolate.
Place the ganache in the fridge and let it cool and thicken for about an hour.

Making the bon-bons:

Pour the melted chocolate into a piping bag. You could use a spoon, if you don’t have a piping bag, but this is the easiest and cleanest way to make the bon-bons. Cut the tip of the piping bag and you are now ready to fill the chocolate molds.
If you have different types of chocolate use different piping bags, fill them one after another and set aside when not using. Don’t worry, the chocolate will not cool off and thickens as faster as you think.
Now, you may prepare all kinds of chocolates – half milk, half white chocolate, all dark/milk or white chocolate or with more layers.
I made some of my bon-bons, filled with the orange-chocolate ganache.
In order to do that, using a chocolate in a piping bag, pour chocolate into the chocolate mold – half filled.
Using a spoon and your hands, make small balls from the orange-chocolate ganache and place them in the middle of the bon-bon mold, on top of the poured chocolate.
Fill the rest of the chocolate mold with chocolate. In order to take out all air, that may have hide in the chocolate, gently bang the mold on your counter. You will see small bubbles coming out of the chocolate. Bang the mold until the bubbles stop coming out. Place in the fridge for an hour/half an hour, until the chocolate firms up and the bon-bons are ready to be taken out.
You may fill your bon-bons with nuts, different cremes, ganache or jam.

If you are making bon-bons with different layers of chocolate, make sure to pour one layer at a time, let it firms up in the fridge and then pour the second/third layer.

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