Cherry galette with caramelized coconut

This cherry galette is just perfect for this time of the year, because cherries are just everywhere, so don’t waste you time and quickly run to the market for a basket of cherries. On top of these beautiful and delicious cherries, prepare a caramelized coconut chips and just sprinkle it on top of the galette before serving. I believe it completes this dessert perfectly with it’s crunchiness
Recipe is easy and pretty quick. You can prepare the dough for the galette in advance, when you have a chance and leave it the fridge until needed. The rest takes just about 30 minutes with baking.
Cherry galette
Ingredients for the dough:
185 grams (6.5 oz) flour
5 table spoons (50 grams/1.80 oz) powder sugar
1/4 tea spoon salt
90 grams (3.20 oz) butter
1 egg yolk
3 table spoons (15 ml.) cold water
Ingredients for the filling:
400 grams (14 oz) cherries, cleaned and pitted
1 tea spoon cinnamon
2 table spoons honey
For the caramelized coconut:
20 grams (0.70 oz) caster sugar
5 grams butter (half teaspoon)
30 grams (1 oz) coconut chips

To make the dough:
Combine flour, butter and sugar in a food processor or in a large bowl. Process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk and chilled water and knead (or process with the food processor) dough just until it comes together. Shape into a disc, wrap in baking paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
To make the cherry filling:
In a medium saucepan combine cherries, cinnamon and honey. Cook on medium heat until cherries soften a bit, about 5-7 minutes (don’t overcook, you don’t want a cherry marmalade). Remove from stove, strain and set aside to cool completely.

To make the coconut:
Combine all ingredients in a large skillet. Make sure coconut chips is on one layer. Cook on medium heat until sugar and butter melt. Gently mix with a rubber spatula to coat with the sugar and butter. Once the chips starts to brown, remove from heat and transfer to a small bowl. Coconut chips is very delicate, so cook it on low/medium heat depending on your stove.

To assemble the galette:
Preheat your oven to 170C/335F (fan-forced).
Take the dough out of the fridge and roll into a circle on a piece of baking paper. Don’t be precise, this is not a pie :) . Be gentle with the dough, it will be hard to roll right out of the fridge, but if you roll it slowly and carefully it will not brake.
Transfer the baking paper with the rolled dough onto a baking sheet.
Pour the cherries in the middle of the round rolled dough. Make sure to leave a two finger border. Fold the edges of the galette dough up over the cherries, pressing gently to seal (dough will only partially cover the cherries). Brush the edges of the dough with egg yolk and bake for about 20 minutes. Turn the oven off and leave the galette in the oven for another 10 minutes, then take out and leave to cool off to room temperature.
Serve with the caramelized coconut.
Cherry galette
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